On November
21st, there will be a field trip for current 8th grade
students that are interested in attending Pathfinder Regional Vocational
Technical High School (PRVTHS) in Palmer. During this field trip, students will
have the opportunity to visit three different vocational shops and also have
lunch at PRVTHS before returning to Ware Junior Senior High School.
The field
trip will be limited to 35 students. Sign-ups for this field trip will be on a
first-come-first-served basis. Therefore, it is very important for students to
hand their permission slips in very early. Permission slips and an accompanying
Collin’s writing prompt along with the shop preferences form will be available
for pick-up on Monday, November 8th in the Guidance Office and
available to be returned the following day. Once all 35 spots are filled up or
by November 14th, whichever comes first, field trip sign-ups will conclude.