The weight room will be open each Wednesday for the next six weeks from 2:30-3:30 for students to use. Students may use the fitness equipment including the new Xbox One game systems. These systems were purchased through a grant from Baystate Mary Lane Hospital’s Community Health Initiative.
Students can participate in Just Dance 2014, Zumba Fitness, and Sports Rivals. Students will only be allowed to use fitness games on the Xbox Consoles. Students must have a signed permission slip to participate. There is no fee, but students must have their own transportation home. Please fill out the PERMISSION SLIP and return with a parent/guardian’s signature to Ms. Betty Brown. The weight room will be open to students in grades 7-12 for these sessions. As this is an after school program, all school rules apply. Please contact Ms. Brown at Ware Junior Senior High School (967-6234) with any questions or concerns.