Medical Forms

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The following forms below are used at the Ware Junior/Senior High School by the health office:

The Health Services Emergency Form is handed out at the beginning of each school year and needs to be returned to nurse office as soon as possible.

The ACE Care plan is to be completed by a physician and returned to school if your child is diagnosed with having a concussion.

Please see the Medication Information Sheet for Parents, which explains what forms are needed by the school nurse when medication is required during school hours.  Examples include : asthma inhalers, insulin, and other prescription or over the counter medications.

The Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan needs to be completed by both the parent and physician for students with life threatening allergies requiring epinephrine.

Health Form

Acute Concussion Evaluation Care Plan Form

Medication Information Sheet for Parents

Ware Public Schools Medication Order Form

Parent/Guardian Consent for Medication Administration

Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan